GOD 41
Christian Wolff
Berlin Exercises
Christian Wolff
Berlin Exercises

Ensemble Zwischentöne
Christian Wolff - piano, melodica
Hans-Ulrich Altenkirch - Vibraphone
Ellen Fricke - Voice
Robin Hayward - Tuba
Rainer Killius - Contrabass recorder
Aleksander Kolkowski - Violin
Kurt König - Percussion
Annette Krebs - Guitar
Inge Morgenroth - Tenor Saxophone
Natalia Pschenitschnikowa - Flutes
Helles Weber - Accordion
Peter Ablinger - Artistic director
Bill Dietz - Liner notes

“Exercise” indicates relatively shorter pieces in which the process of work, of
practicing and of trying things out within specified limits, in short
a kind of discipline in process, are being attempted. I regard them
as both exercises in composing and for performers, especially as the
performers function as members of an ensemble.
Christian Wolff
practicing and of trying things out within specified limits, in short
a kind of discipline in process, are being attempted. I regard them
as both exercises in composing and for performers, especially as the
performers function as members of an ensemble.
Christian Wolff