Boris Hegenbart and 19 Artists
Boris Hegenbart and 19 Artists

Boris Hegenbart,
concept, electronics
Fred Frith, guitar
Felix Kubin, e-organ
David Grubbs, tenor banjo
Stephan Mathieu, drums
Oren Ambarchi, vocals, guitars, organ, bells, percussion, motorised cymbal
Boris Hauf, rhodes
Ulrich Krieger, saxophone
Jan Thoben, drums
Marc Weiser, guitar, whistle
Martin Siewert, guitar
Bernhard Guenter, electric cellotar
Michael Vorfeld, percussion
Martin Brandlmayr, drums
Sascha Demand, guitar
Ed Osborn, guitar
F.S.Blumm, guitar
Christophe Charles, violin, stones, guitar, vocoder
Hannes Strobl & Hanno Leichtmann, bass/drums
Eight years ago, Boris Hegenbart began turning his interests in Dub principles into reality and during this period of time, he made his collaborations with (or if you want, he made commissions for) monumental artists, such as Fred Frith (Henry Cow, Art Bears, Skeleton Crew, Naked City, Material, Massacre), David Grubbs (Gastr del Sol, Codeine ), Oren Ambarchi (Burial Chamber Trio, Sunn O)))), Martin Brandlmayr (Radian, Polwechsel), Felix Kubin, Ulrich Krieger (Metal Machine Trio), etc...
The principle was simple: artists did overdub recordings with Hegenbart's material, which would be later transformed, using studio as an instrument, as a typical work process that features 99% history of dub sound.
But in this case, dub is only a statement or concept, which means, there are no typical dub trademarks and tools (delay, reverb).
This leads to only one result:
if dub is deconstruction of
music, then those pieces are deconstruction of dub!
This double vinyl master piece, is nothing more then a perfect homogenous collection of so many different personalities at the same place/record.
The hardest and the greatest achievement, is to connect all of them into one musical milestone, something that Boris Hegenbart succeeded without highfaluting.